Kaptein Sabeltann and the Magic Diamond
The most recent in a series of games made by Ravn Studio, based on the characters and stories created by Terje Formoe, about the pirate Kaptein Sabeltann. This is a well known children's IP in Scandinavia, particularly in Norway.
The game was in the platform adventure genre, which also contained a number of small minigames and was released on Nintendo Switch and PC in December 2020.
In addition to lead art responsibilities, I created a large proportion of the scenery art and dressed, lit and carried out other set up for many of the game's levels. In addition I created some smaller scenes, such as that of the Captain's cabin, which was used as the games treasure room.
Elements of the art style and some content were based around the CGI movie of the same name, that was also released in 2020.