Professional portfolio of Ivan Horn

This collection contains images from my work in the games industry. I've been an working as an artist in this industry for over 3 decades, but the images here focus on projects worked on during the last 8 years.
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Flåklypa Grand Prix

In 1975 a stop motion animation movie "Flåklypa Grand Prix" by the Norwegian director Ivo Caprino had its release. The movie went on to considerable success, becoming the highest grossing stop frame animation movie until Tim Burton's "The Nightmare Before Christmas" in 1993. In late 2000 a Norwegian games developer (Capricornus) released a game for PC based on that film.

In 2018 Ravn Studio began work on a remake of that game, for PC and Nintendo Switch. I led the art on that project, as well as creating many models and scenes for the game's racing section and interactive story scenes.

The cars of Flåklypa Grand Prix

Some of the key assets of the game I created were some of the cars for the racing section of the game. Specifically I created those based on cars that appeared in the race that formed the climax of the movie, including "Il Tempo Gigante", a massive brass clad beast of a machine. This was the car driven by the movie's main characters, Reodor, Solan and Ludvig.

The story scenes

For the interactive story part of the game, I created the majority of the scenery art, with the four scenes I worked on shown below. These were based on the sets made for the movie and provided the environment in which an interactive story (an edited version of that from the movie) was played through by the player.

Scene assets examples

Here are some examples of the various, assets I created for the story scenes and minigames.

Kaptein Sabeltann and the Magic Diamond

The most recent in a series of games made by Ravn Studio, based on the characters and stories created by Terje Formoe, about the pirate Kaptein Sabeltann. This is a well known children's IP in Scandinavia, particularly in Norway.
The game was in the platform adventure genre, which also contained a number of small minigames and was released on Nintendo Switch and PC in December 2020.
In addition to lead art responsibilities, I created a large proportion of the scenery art and dressed, lit and carried out other set up for many of the game's levels. In addition I created some smaller scenes, such as that of the Captain's cabin, which was used as the games treasure room.
Elements of the art style and some content were based around the CGI movie of the same name, that was also released in 2020.

Game scene and level examples

Here are some examples of the levels I dressed and and other scenes that I created for the game.

Earlier art examples at Ravn Studio

This is a collection of art from earlier mobile games that I worked on at Ravn Studio.

Elias: The Little Rescue Boat

This is an image showing the character models I made for an unpublished game, based on the popular Norwegian children's IP or the same name.

Refinery demo

In 2015 Ravn was contracted by Nvidia to create a demo for the Tegra X1 SoC. Except for two animated characters, I made all the artwork in the demo.

Other projects as lead artist

Since mid 2000 I've been a lead artist for all but three years. In that time I've had that position on 20 published and 5 unpublished titles, as well as a number of demos. Here are snapshots of some of those.

Personal portfolio

Contact me
If you'd like to get in contact with me please use the email address below.
The images on this site are the property of Ivan Horn and may not be used or reproduced without their permission.