Personal portfolio of Ivan Horn

This collection contains images from my personal art, currently images and writing as fan works for the game Kerbal Space Program.
Note: Due to an issue with Webflow, some sliders that contain multiple images, occasionally only load with a single image (one white dot at bottom of slider). It is advised to refresh this page once to complete the loading of all images they contain.

Kerbal Space Program: Fan works

Since 2014 I've been a keen (to put it mildly) player of the game Kerbal Space Program. After about a year of playing the game I started to create various fanart images, which in turn led to some fanfiction.

Wallpaper images

These were my first fanart for the game and entailed taking some of my screenshots the game (and it's rather limited art) and recreating them as far more detailed images in Photoshop.

These made extensive use of existing photographic materials, e.g. from NASA's various Mars rovers (no... I didn't hand paint vast expanses of natural rock). The work was a mixture of composition, editing and adjustment of these images to create the environment I wanted. Then working on the parts of the images remaining from my screenshot from KSP (vehicles and characters), in order to match lighting and add occlusion, shadowing and various other details, to accomplish the end results.

Here are a few of those images and the screenshots from the game that they were based on.

The Truth Can Now Be Told

In 2016 I embarked on a little Photoshop skullduggery, in the form of a thread titled "The Truth Can Now Be Told", in which I inserted vehicles and characters from KSP screenshots into NASA photos from the Apollo program. This began as primarily a photo editing project, but as time went by I increasingly focused on the humorous descriptions of how these "photos" came to light.

The thread can be found here.

2001: A Space Absurdity

This was my first stab at fanfiction. Based on Stanley Kubrick's movie, I went for a version of this science fiction classic that was in essence, 2001 played for laughs. As with my other KSP fanfiction, I supported my writing with screenshots taken from the game (some adjusted in photoshop). My aim was to create images using assets (stock only) from the game that were recreations of some iconic moments in the movie.

The thread can be found here.

2010: The Year We Make Kontakt

As I had requests from some readers of "2001: A Space Absurdity" for a similar reworking of the sequel, I put together my version of Peter Hyams movie. This followed the same path as my version of "2001" , i.e. gags, pics and more gags.

The thread can be found here.

LOST On Laythe

After rewriting other people's stories, I decided to create something of my own, albeit still set in the world of KSP. That new work was "LOST on Laythe", a tale of imminent apocalypse, memos from management and heated arguments over a kids TV show.

The thread can be found here.

Professional portfolio

Contact me
If you'd like to get in contact with me please use the email address below.
The images on this site are the property of Ivan Horn and may not be used or reproduced without their permission.